Product Description
Graflex RB Super D Single Lens Reflex Camera
- A Single Lens System Free From Parallax
- Full Vision Ground Glass Focusing
- Wide Range, High Speed Focal Plane Shutter
- Interchangeability of Lenses
- Revolving Back
- Interchangeable Film Attachments
PLUS The Ektalite Field Lens—Newest aid for better pictures
The GRAFLEX Single Lens
Reflex at Work...
- As you look into the focusing hood you see on the ground glass, at full aperture, a brilliant reflected image of the subject, right side up, full picture size—up to the instant of exposure.
- When the pleasingly composed image is clear on the ground glass, the subject is in sharp focus.
- The mirror reflects the image to the ground glass. When the exposure release is pressed, the mirror swings upward out of the way, instantly releasing the focal-plane shutter—securing the desired picture.
- Focusing is under convenient, positive control to the very instant of exposure.
- Superior lens gathers ample light for the focal-plane shutter, which transmits appreciably more light than does any other type of shutter. Since the lens through which you focused is the lens which makes the picture, it entirely eliminates any problem of parallax.
This camera is “first choice” for professional use. The large picture size is favored by working photographers for all types of photography—a “two-time” enlargement affording the conventional 8 x 10 professional “print.” The ease with which shots may be made straight up or down, or over the heads of a crowd, is a great advantage to many professionals. The 4 x 5 Super D (Catalog No. L-43) makes contact prints of the size shown above. Even enlargements of mural size may be satisfactorily made from its crisp, detailed negatives.
Specifications for this single-lens reflex camera are as follows. Picture size: 4” x 5”. Lensboard: 3¾” square. Bellows capacity: 12” . Minimum focal length accommodated: 7”. Lens regularly furnished with camera: 190mm. (7½”) Kodak Ektar f/5.6 with coated elements in automatic diaphragm. Closest working distance with standard lens: 19½”. Simplified focal-plane shutter with eight speeds—1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/200, 1/300, 1/400, 1/800, 1/1000— plus ? (drop curtain) setting and “Time.” Built-in flash synchronization at 1/1000 (with back horizontal and curtain packed) with the 10ng peak focal plane flash lamps, plus drop curtain setting for automatic open flash exposures with type “F” flash lamps and high speed flash units. Accepts telephoto lenses with focal lengths from 14” to 17”. Camera equipped with revolving back.
This is the all-around camera for professionals, as well as serious amateurs. It means a negative of adequate size and professional quality yet economy of film cost. The 3¼ x 4¼ Super D Graflex (Catalog No. L-32) makes negatives from which contact prints of the size shown above are produced. Contact prints are satisfactory for most purposes, and excel lent 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 enlargements may be easily made.
Specifications for this single-lens reflex camera are as follows. Picture size: 3¼” x 4¼”. Lensboard: 3¼” square. Lens regularly furnished with camera: 152mm. (6”) Kodak Ektar f/4.5 with coated elements in Automatic Diaphragm. Bellows capacity: 8¼”. Minimum focal length accommodated: 6”. Closest working distance with standard lens: 20” Simplified focal-plane shutter with eight instantaneous speeds—1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/200, 1/300, 1/400, 1/800, 1/1000— plus ? (drop curtain) and “Time.” Built-in flash synchronization at 1/200, 1/400 and 1/1000 with long peak focal-plane flash lamps, plus the “drop curtain” setting for automatic open flash exposures with very short peak lamps as well as high speed flash units.
For those photographers interested in portraiture, the longer focal length 190mm. (7½”) Kodak Ektar f/5.6 lens in automatic diaphragm may be preferred. This combination (Catalog No.L-33) has a closest working distance of about 5’.