Product Description
Five (5) pages of product information on the Nikon F System Finders and finder accessories circa 1973 from a 1976 Nikon Sales Binder. This free download is a compilation of the following forms:
Form No. NK-3550/GFS/15M/3-73
- (Photomic FTn)
Form No. NK-3211/GFS/15M/4-73
- (F System Finders)
Form No. NK-3146
- (Prism Reflex Sportsfinder)
The Nikon “center weighted” system for thru-the-lens exposure control - PHOTOMIC FTN
It is natural that the most progressive 35mm system should develop the most reliable means for exposure control. This is one of the areas in which the ability to interchange viewfinders endows the Nikon F With the assurance of continuing advancement.
The Photomic FTN employs the “center-weighted” principle of brightness measurement innovated by Nikon. Use of this principle virtually eliminates exposure errors characteristic of averaging meters When faced With such problems as backlighting and When the subject is contrasted against a brilliant beach, snow, or sky. It gets you through the preliminaries faster—provides easier, more reliable exposure control in any situation. And it maintains the full advantage of automatic diaphragm action with its constantly bright finder image.
In addition, the FTN offers other, important features. Automatic indexing of ASA setting and lens aperture to facilitate interchanging of lenses. Shutter speed “readout” in viewfinder. 2-second and 4-second exposure measurements, Where required. Preset compensation for transmission differences in certain, special finder screens.
Cameras equipped With Photomic FTN accept all other Nikon F finders interchangeably. Camera bodies with serial numbers below 6900001 require some adaptation to accept the FTN.
Nikon F System: INTERCHANGEABLE FINDERS and finder accessories
The unique 100% accuracy of the Nikon finder image is retained with any and all of the interchangeable finder systems. No matter which finder he is using, the Nikon photographer can utilize the entire finder area to the very edges and be certain that the image shown in the finder is truly identical to that recorded on the film.
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Photomic FTn (Product No. 51)
Provides thru-the-lens exposure control combined with eyelevel viewing and focusing. “Center-weighted” meter system reads brightness of entire screen but favors central 12mm diameter area. Compensates automatically for marked brightness differences between central subject and surrounding area. Permits “open-aperture” readings with Auto-Nikkor lenses, and stop-down readings with other lenses and when bellows or extension tubes are used. (See separate sheet for full details.)

Standard Prism Finder (Product No. 2321)
Houses an optically precise pentaprism and magnifier eyepiece. Used at eyelevel, and shows entire field of focusing-viewing screen, even with glasses. Image is bright, erect and unreversed, and almost life size with the standard 50mm lens. Eyepiece of current prism finders is threaded for screw-in diopter correction lenses and other attachments.

Waistlevel Finder III (Product No. 2304)
Especially useful in macro photography and copying, or wherever other-than eyelevel-viewing is desired. May be used with camera overhead or at a low position, or for viewing at right angles to the subject. Equipped with selferecting hood and folding magnifier, and supplied with case.

Prism Reflex Sportsfinder (Product No. 2303)
Shows the entire picture area, right side up and unreversed, with the camera held up to 2-1/2” from the eye. It has an oversized, rectangular eyepiece, which measures approximately 1x1-5/163’ While providing specific advantages for sports, news and other action photography, the finder offers welcome convenience for eyeglass wearers, in general. It also facilitates specialized applications, as in industrial and aerial work, where protective goggles must be worn, and when Nikon is used in an underwater housing.

6X Magnifying Finder (Product No. 2317)
Provides largest and brightest image of entire screen, with all corners visible. Optical construction is same as a high-quality lens. Eyepiece is adjustable from minus 5 to plus 3 diopters. Permits aerial focusing (with finder screens C and M). Includes rubber eyecup. Fits both Nikon F and F2.

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