Product Description
Paint with Light, use Controlled Light
FOR better pictures pain! with lightCONTROLLED LIGHTlike the Hollywood motion picture cameraman. Since he cannot retouch or dodge or resort to any of the still man's tricks, he has devised methods to do it on the scene before he shoots it.
TO the Hollywood photographer CONTROLLED LIGHT means the ability 10 place highlights and shadows exactly where he wants them in the picture before he shoots it.
OF course, all photographic lights are not adaptable lo painting with light. You must have an optically correct spotlight complete with accessories for controlling your light, Bardwell & McAlister, Inc. of Hollywood have been supplying this type of light to the motion picture industry for the past 15 years. Persistent experimentation and research by our experienced lighting experts to meet the endless demands for better lighting has resulted in the perfectly controllable Bardwell & McAlister lights of today. These same lights and accessories so successfully being used by the Hollywood photographers are now available to the amateur and professional.
WITH Bardwell & McAlister equipment you too can PAINT with CONTROLLED LIGHT and get the beautifully lighted pictures that are impossible to obtain with the less expensive types of uncontrollable lights cmd photo floods. Experiment with the basic points of CONTROLLED LIGHT outlined here and in the following pages... learn to Paint with Light. Your pictures will be the envy of all that see them... so easily obtained, too.